Wednesday, September 3, 2008

September Newsletter

August was a very busy month! We started out by having a Vacation Bible School at our house. We had 6 people volunteer to teach or help with the VBS!! We had a total of 43 kids! The children learned that Jesus was born to be our Savior (Monday), Jesus was Baptized (Tuesday), Jesus wants us to be Fishers of Men (Wednesday), Jesus is our Good Shepherd and takes care of us (Thursday), and the Jesus died and rose to save us from our sins (Friday.) All the children memorized John 3:16 and learned what "the colors of salvation" are. A great time was had by all!!

A puppet show about the colors of salvation. (Notice where Molly is - her favorite place for the week was attached to Mommy's legs!!)

Bible Study

Craft time on the patio.
Music Time: Celebrad a Christo

The preschool hang-out (near the snacks, of course!!)

Highlights of the excitement of the children: One morning as we were getting things ready, a little boy who lives next door shouted over to me "Teacher, are you open yet?" This was before 9am and VBS started at 10am! Another parent told me that her child who usually slept in was awake at 7am every morning asking if it was time for bible school yet!

Game time with Carl outside.

Making "Colors of Salvation Bracelettes"

Yellow: Heaven - where God wants us to be
Black: Our sin - that separates us from God
Red: Jesus blood - shed as punishment for our sin
White: Pure hearts - Jesus blood makes our hearts clean
Green: Grow in God!!

Bible stories and review games inside.

A puzzle to learn John 3:16.

Our thanks again, to all our supporters who make events like VBS and our weekly Kid's Club possible!!!