Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Christmas 2015

Merry Christmas!  Here is our latest newsletter and some photos from the last couple of months!

Norton Clan!

Lacy arriving in Guatemala!

The team from Tennessee making crafts to add to the food baskets for needy families.

Hanging the lights around the fire pit.

Arabella (and Lily) testing out the new picnic table.

Our volunteer, Clarence, and Alan working on a picnic table.

Arabella with new friends.

Youth group games.

Alia had a girls' day with these cuties.  They made Christmas cookies.

They also got their nails painted.

Thanksgivng with friends.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Holly and Carl explaining our American Thanksgiving food to our Guatemalan friend!

Rainbow in Magdalena.

A friendly game of dodge ball on the court.

The fort Noah and Jon made with branches from the tree trimming.

Tree trimming on the property.

Learning about the first Thanksgiving and having some fun in a tee-pee.

Sweet Sixteen!

Happy Birthday, Alia!

Alia's birthday lunch.

Lacy (18), Alia (16), Noah (12), Molly (9), Kaylee (6), Arabella (3)

Monday, October 19, 2015

October 2015

 Pictures from our "Dia de Campo"
             (Field Day!)

Some of the moms getting down to color with
their kids on the court! 

These outreaches give us a great opportunity to build relationships with the families we serve.

A game of badminton.

Soccer - in the rain!!

Happy 3rd Birthday, Bella!


Dinner in Guatemala City!

Noah and Alia celebrating Bella's birthday.

One last hug with the birthday girl before bed.

Court resurfacing day

Arabella loves preschool with Mommy.

Molly and Kaylee making s'mores by the fire.

Cleaning the school building.  Wow, that's a lot of dirt!

Raining, raining, raining!!!!!!

Friday, June 12, 2015

June 2015

Hello!  Here is our latest newsletter, as well as, some photos we wanted to share with you all! 

For Kaylee's birthday we took a trip to the children's museum in Guatemala City.  Everyone had a great time!
Molly climbing the rock wall.


Kaylee's 6th Birthday!

Dinner with the Steed Family.

Mommy with the Birthday Girl!

Bella helping Kaylee with her new babies!

Game time with Miriam.

3 Pretty Girls
We all enjoyed our visit with Miriam.

Playground at the coffee plantation.

Magdalena Milpas Altas

Antigua ruins.

Ruins in Antigua.

A day at the zoo!

Mother's Day!!

Team from Palm Coast

Lunch with the teen girls and Palm Coast team.

Making jewelry

Painting nails.

Making headbands.