"That goes over there." "No, that goes in the kitchen." "Careful! You almost knocked Molly over with that!"
Yes, you guessed right - we are moving AGAIN! A day before leaving for the US in December the owner of the house we were renting told us they wanted to sell it! God stepped right in though! On our trip through Texas, we visited Marisol who is now living in San Antonio. She and her husband had been looking for someone to rent their very nice, vacant home in Oaxaca. So, as soon as we returned to Oaxaca on January 11 we began the moving process! We are now in our new house and trying to get settled! This is just another way that God is providing for us - as we are saving $2000 pesos a month by living here! (Not to mention the cabinets, closets, shower doors, and toilet seats that are in this house!!)

Homeschool in our new school room!! (Notice Noah's missing tooth!!!)
Also, as part of our move we had a garage sale and were able to sell lots of the kid's outgrown clothes, as well as, the appliances that we wouldn't be needing. Many neighbors were happy to come and look through our boxes for clothes for 5-20 pesos (all under $1.50 US.)
We are thrilled to again be planning a VBS for August 3-7. We are hoping to have a team from the US come down to help us with VBS and possibly do an English camp, as well! If you may be interested in coming to Oaxaca from August 1-8, please e-mail us and we will send you more details. Pray about joining us for this fun opportunity to witness to the children of Oaxaca.
Also, as part of our move we had a garage sale and were able to sell lots of the kid's outgrown clothes, as well as, the appliances that we wouldn't be needing. Many neighbors were happy to come and look through our boxes for clothes for 5-20 pesos (all under $1.50 US.)
We are thrilled to again be planning a VBS for August 3-7. We are hoping to have a team from the US come down to help us with VBS and possibly do an English camp, as well! If you may be interested in coming to Oaxaca from August 1-8, please e-mail us and we will send you more details. Pray about joining us for this fun opportunity to witness to the children of Oaxaca.
This morning in church we were reminded of the purpose of Church. Many well-meaning Christian churches here in Oaxaca focus more attention on filling their seats, than they do on fulfilling the Great Commission. Therefore, it was refreshing to hear the scripture for this morning. Romans 10:14-15 was a good reminder that ALL of us have been called to tell others about the saving grace of Jesus Christ. The pastor challenged the congregation to think of one person that they could give the good news of Jesus to this week. He also reminded us all that we don't need doctrinal degrees but only a desire to tell our own story of how Jesus changed (and continues to change!) our lives. Who can you tell this week??
In closing, we had a great time of rest in Florida for Christmas and New Year's. It was so great to see and visit with many of you. We thank you all once again for your love, prayers, encouragement, and financial support!!
For His Glory,
Carl, Lisa
Lacy, Alia, Noah, and Molly