Wednesday, December 28, 2011

December 2011

Here is our December Newsletter. Click on each page to open and then scroll down to see more photos.

Molly's Thanksgiving play at school!
Molly's Kindergarten Thanksgiving Feast
Getting ready for our neighborhood movie night/ neighborhood outreach.
Molly and Kaylee on the tire swing!
Happy Birthday, Daddy!!
Santa Kaylee!!
Mom and Alia baking cookies.
The Norton Clan.
More cookie baking!
Gingerbread houses.
We had a traditional Mexican meal for Christmas Eve. Mole (that we brought back from Mexico), pork, veggies, and fresh corn tortillas!
All dressed up for church.
Christmas Eve service at Journey Church.
Christmas morning.
Molly and her new bike.
Noah and Carl playing with Noah's new remote control car.

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Sunday, November 13, 2011

November 2011

Our November Newsletter - click on each page to open! Scroll down for more photos.

Noah and Molly dressed up as story book characters for their school parade. Noah was the boy from the Magic Tree House series.
Noah and Kaylee - our little clowns!
Molly - our beautiful ballerina!
Alia and Grammy at the park for Alia's b/day.
Noah climbing trees!
Lacy climbing trees!
Kaylee practicing to climb trees!
At Applebee's for Alia's b/day.
A beautiful necklace.

SCROLL DOWN for more photos!

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more November photos

Kaylee all smiles!
Molly, Kaylee, and Mommy
Kaylee and dogs - She's on the other side of the fence so she can't be loved right down to the ground!!
Tito - our Mexican kitty!
Molly's face painting at her school's Fun Fall Festival.
Kaylee getting a pumpkin, too!
Molly hugging Clifford at the book fair.
Dinner by our first fire in our fireplace.
Downtown Jacksonville

A trip to the zoo to celebrate Lisa's 4oth b/day!
Pumpkin patch kids!

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Sunday, October 16, 2011

October 2011

Here is our October newsletter. Click on each page to open. Then scroll down for more photos!

Skate night with the family!

No broken bones - hooray!!
Noah in jail in St. Augustine for Lacy's birthday.
Molly and Kaylee look like very happy "jail birds!"
Tram ride
Everyone wishing Lacy a Happy 14th Birthday!!
Lacy trying to cut her ice cream cake - WOW, look at that face!!

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