A couple months ago I wrote about Expectancy! This
word and feeling have continued to drive us forward serving God here in
Guatemala. This month we are filled with
Expectancy as we launch our Sponsorship Program! This is a new way for you to
be involved in orphan care here in Guatemala.
We read in James 1:27, “Religion
that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being
polluted by the world.” As God moves us deeper into orphan care, we are
expanding our ministry to better “look after the orphans.”

We invite YOU to be
part of this! We are serving with a local pastor in one of the poor villages in
our area. Our goal is to recognize families that are at-risk of being torn
apart due to severe poverty. Many of the children in the village are not
currently going to school because their family cannot afford the cost. Many are
living on a diet of tortillas because the single mom is afraid to leave her
kids who are not in school alone to find work. We have a goal of sending 10
children to school for the upcoming school year. To do this we need to raise
$1000 per month! You can help us to send a child to school by giving your tax
deductible gift through CTEN, with a note that it is for school sponsorship!

We are also expanding
to accept children into our home who are removed from their home due dangerous
living conditions. This program is
similar to foster care in the United States. YOU can help us to welcome
children into our home where they will be loved and nurtured for the time we
have with them. We need to raise $1200 per month to cover costs associated with
the foster children and hiring a nanny. To give toward this, please send your
tax deductible gift through CTEN, with a note for foster children sponsorship.
And finally, it is
with great expectancy that we wait for our “match” with our newest son or
daughter. All of our adoption paperwork is done and we should be welcoming our
new little one home this summer. If you’d
like to give toward costs associated with adopting Willy and this new little
one with special needs, please also send your gift through CTEN, with a note
for adoption.
Gifts can be sent to:
PO Box 291307
Kerrville, TX
Or online at: