We were blessed to get to travel to Florida for the month of May. We spent lots of precious moments with family, played at the beach, enjoyed many dinners/lunches/coffees with friends that love us so well, played at the beach some more, celebrated with our daughter, Lacy, and her fiance, Jordan, at their wedding shower, spent a fun week getting to know Jordan's mom, enjoyed wedding dress shopping, had the privilege to baptize Molly, Kaylee, and Bella, enjoyed beautiful Florida sunsets, watched our nephew walk across the stage as he graduated high school, and spent many more wonderful moments with our family and friends! We shared from our hearts about the work we do here in Guatemala. We told stories of sweet moments and sad moments in hopes that a bit of our passion and love for the orphans of Guatemala would touch hearts in Florida! And so as we settle back into our life here, we thank you, family and friends, for sharing your houses, your time, your prayers, your church pews, and your love with us! We arrived back in Guatemala feeling loved, rested, and a little tanner!! We love you all!! Enjoy some photos from our trip!
There's our plane! |
Noah and Willy
Willy loved his first trip to a Florida beach!
Sibling love - sand style! |
So many fun things to find at the beach. |
Visiting with the Nortons. Aunt Christine's animals were very fun to see. |
Everyone got to ride Max. |
We got to meet Daniel, our niece Zoe's new baby. |
All 3 girls desired to be baptized while we were in Florida. It was a special time for us all.
Here is Kaylee Jane coming up! |
Molly Grace |
Arabella Joy
(I love how her feet are sticking up in this photo!) |
So proud of all three of you and we love you so much!!
May God continue to lead your life each and every day! |
Such a great day celebrating Lacy and Jordan.
We love you both so much and are excited for all God has in store for you! |
Beautiful cookies! |
Of course, we had to play some games at the shower.
Beautiful toilet paper wedding dresses modeled by Grammy and Matt! |
So glad we could celebrate with family and friends!
Family!!! |
Lacy and Jordan
We enjoyed our week with Jordan and his mom.
Such a blessing to spend time with you guys! See you in England!! |
Alia and Willy enjoying the park! |
God's beautiful masterpiece! Brings such peace to my soul!!
Warm summer evenings are perfect for strolling on the Riverwalk and swinging!
Carl and I celebrated our 28th wedding anniversary!!!
Joel - Class of 2019
Congratulations! |