Serving the Shepherd,
Loving His Lambs
¨ Home school year off to a great start.
¨ Lacy received her visa and is currently in England!
¨ Celebrated Molly’s 13th Birthday and Bella’s 7th birthday in September!
¨ Medical needs for Willy—He is in need of a check-up, blood work, and ultrasound with his kidney dr. to make sure his one functioning kidney is healthy. He also will be seeing an eye doctor to assess some problems with his eyes. Approximately $600 for these specialists.
¨ We are praying for more monthly supporters so we can continue to love on the orphans here in Guatemala.
One Body, Many Parts
I’ve read several devotions lately that have to do with the body of Christ. It is always reaffirming to me when I read the scripture in 1 Corinthians. Our gifting and our callings are never going to look like everyone else’s . Each of us has our own unique calling and our own unique abilities but each one has the same importance in the body of Christ.
So, we continue to obey our calling and our mandate to love on, take care, and give a home to orphans. If you would like to be a part of what God is doing here, we are in NEED of more monthly supporters. We are so thankful for our supporters that have followed their calling to share God’s love with orphans. But in order to grow and continue to love on God’s precious children, we need more help!! If God lays our ministry on your heart, you can give through CTEN (information on side bar.) Thank you!
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Who doesn't love relaxing in a ball pit? |
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Ana Celia loves to play ball. |
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This little sweetie decided to do Kaylee's hair. |
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We loved having Alia serving with us this summer! |
Sensory Play
Sensory play is a big part of what we do at every orphanage we serve in. It is crucial to the healing and developing of each precious child we work with. Playing in sand or with instruments, bouncing balls or stacking cups—so many different activities to stimulate brains. God is so good to give us opportunities to play, be joyful, and enjoy His creation—all while energizing the minds of these sweet little ones that He has beautifully created!
Family Update
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Fun at the zoo for Bella's birthday! |
Independence Day in Guatemala!
We were privileged to join one of the children’s home where we serve in their annual “Torch Run” for Independence Day. This is a tradition that takes place around Sept. 15 every year. Many different groups take to the streets to celebrate with LOTS of noise! Whistles, car horns, yelling—anything that makes a lot of noise. The leader of each parade has a torch that usually is lit by the mayor of the town. It is also tradition for bystanders to throw water on the people marching, although our group didn’t encounter this. It was great fun to join in this cultural experience!
The Norton Family
Carl, Lisa, Lacy, Alia, Noah, Molly, Kaylee, Arabella and Willy