"Rejoice in the Lord always, again I say rejoice." Philippians 4:4
Wow! May was a tough month! So much heartbreak, so much division, so much sadness! But for today, I am choosing to not dwell on those things. During my quiet reflection time with God this morning, He placed on my heart to focus on the beauty of my world. So, today I'd like to share with you the beauty of family, the beauty of children, the beauty of adoption. I'm not ignoring the events going on in our world today (and I am praying for the healing of our land) but I am today focusing on rejoicing being grateful to God for what He has done in our life.
Here are a few pictures and videos of what we have been doing lately!!
Lots of baking has been going on in our house!! |
Carl and I celebrated 29 years on May 25. |
The girls made us all kinds of cards and decorations. |
Reading the bible never starts too early!! |
Bike riding to get outside and get some fresh air! |
Brothers sharing a moment together reading. |
Willy thought Noah needed some company! |
Fun in the sun! |
Lots of games have been being played! |
Celebrating Mother's Day! It was great day as I was also able to video chat with Alia, Lacy and Jordan! |
Junior working on his school |
We also celebrated Noah's high school graduation! We were going to wait until restaurants opened back up but we decided we didn't want to wait any longer! We are so proud of you, Noah! |
And here is where the pictures should be of us in Tennessee, celebrating with Alia on her Graduation from Johnson University. But that will have to wait a bit..... hopefully we'll make it to the postponed graduation celebration in October!! We are so proud of you Alia and can't wait to celebrate with you soon!
A quick trip to the grocery! |
Picnics are always a fun way to spend the afternoon! |
The girls have been very busy making rainbow loom jewelry!! |
Rainy season has arrived..... |
A morning snuggle after an exceptionally hard week with this little one. |
Story Time |
A gathering of the animals!!! |
Willy loves playing with his cars. |
M is for Mickey Mouse! |
Here are a few videos to enjoy. We are so proud of Willy and how his communication skills are improving.
Unfortunately, Willy learned the hard way how to get out of his crib this month! Here he is explaining what happened!
Rainy season + tropical storm = Jumping in the rain!
Molly made us this cute anniversary video!