"I will sing of the Lord's great love forever; with my mouth I will make your faithfulness known through all generations." Psalm 89: 1-2 We consider ourselves blessed to be here in Mexico singing of our Lord's great love! This has been an exciting month for us! We were able to see two local young people, who were being discipled by students and staff here at GFM, turn their lives over to Christ and be baptized! Praise be to God!!
God also showed our family a "neighborhood" in which we believe He wants us to minister. The

"neighborhood" is actually an old airstrip that has not been used in many years. People have built their houses alongside this strip. Only a few of the homes have electricity and there is no indoor plumbing. We are praying about how we can minister to them. One idea we have been given is to teach them to make solar cookers. This has been done with great success in some of the outer villages. We are also planning a medical outreach in the neighborhood with our medical team here. Please pray for God's blessings on our continued weekly visits to this neighborhood!
And finally, God has brought two young girls into our lives. Judit, age 11, and her little sister, Belem, age 4, live down the street from the missionary base. They do not come from a Christian home as their mother practices witchcraft. However, they do come and participate in the weekly bible study for children at the base. They are precious children and come to our house almost daily to borrow DVDs and/or coloring books. Lacy and Alia enjoy playing with them and speaking Spanish with them. Judit and Belem do not know any English. I believe God is building a relationship in which Judit and Belem will be able to see the love of Jesus in their friends!

Lisa and Alma (the Pastor's wife) in Oaxaca City
celebrating Lisa's birthday at the mall play place!

Our kids enjoyed some play time with their friends in Oaxaca city!
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