Tuesday, February 26, 2008


Trust. Not a word we think too much about - until we find ourselves foreigners in a foreign land trying to gain trust amongst stares and questions like "Why are you here?" This was the reaction we got went we first ventured onto the airstrip back in October. It is the working of the Holy Spirit that allows people to trust others. This past month we were invited to a birthday party of the of the young girls on the airstrip.

Abigail's 13th Birthday!!

This was huge to us - actually being invited to a family-type gathering. Two weeks ago the directors of GFM held a party, in which we were able to invite our Mexican friends, as an outreach type event. We drove the 30 minutes to Campo for our weekly bible study with the children and then asked around if anyone would want to come to our house for a party. We had doubts about how many people would come, as it would mean a 30 minute drive to a place they had never been with hopes that we would take them back home, as well! We learned the word trust as 12 people piled into our van for the adventure! We are blessed that God allowed us to get to know these people and form relationships with them!

Alia and her friend at Campo!

Children at our Noah's Ark bible study!

Molly and her friend at Campo!

March will be that of a transition month for us here at GFM. There will be teams of short-term missionaries coming to the base during the month for various projects. We will be busy helping to facilitate the love of missions in the heart of these people!

March will also be our last month of Missionary Training School! We will then return to Oaxaca City to begin our internship.
Once again, thank you for all your prayers and support!!
For His Glory,
Carl, Lisa,
Lacy, Alia, Noah, and Molly

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