Monday, February 7, 2011

Persecution in Mexico

This month we met Pastor Diaz, his wife, and a couple from their church. They are from a small village of about 100 people, 3 hours outside of Oaxaca City where we live. They have been thrown out of their village and are waiting for help from authorities to be able to return safely to their village. (You can read their whole story in our Feb. Newsletter.) Here is a blog that was started to record their story. and a link to translate the page -

A meeeting that took place in Oaxaca City with officials.

While discussing this with another friend here in Oax., she mentioned another type of persecution that Christians here in Oaxaca are faced with. Churches (in rural villages) are often told they must participate fully in all village parties and festivities. They must contribute money to the Catholic Church for their festival of saints and other work projects. If they do not comply, their water and electricity will be shut off.

We are told that there are currently about 10 villages around Oaxaca City that Christians are being persecuted, threatened, or not able to meet together. Laws in Mexico give everyone freedom of religion.

Voice of the Martyrs, which tracks persecuted Christians around the world, lists Chiapas, Mexico (the state to the east of Oaxaca) as a "Persecuted State." You can read more about it at this link -

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