This week we had the privilege of caring for the 10 sweet girls
at one of the children’s homes we serve in while the nannies were treated to a
Christmas lunch out with the director of the home. Molly, Kaylee and Arabella joined us (Noah
cared for Willy at home). It was such a blessing to see our three girls serving
these girls with all their hearts. We could not have spent the 3 hours there
without their help! I didn’t get any
pictures during snack time as we were …. A bit busy!! But oh, to see my sweet Molly lovingly and
carefully feeding 2 of the girls who are not able to feed themselves was such a
delight. Taking the time to make sure they were ready for the next bite, gently
prodding them to open their mouth, Molly definitely was following God’s commandment
to love your neighbor!

Our girls engage the other girls, making sure everyone has a
chance to play and feels invited to join in. As I sat with a little sweetie in my arms
that just needed to feel that someone was close, I marveled at how God created
us all with such purpose. These girls at the children’s homes are teaching our
3 girls things that they won’t learn in any textbook! And I am so proud of all
that they are learning!
Toward the end of the afternoon, after all the jumping on the trampoline, wagon rides, playing dress up and board games were done, Carl treated the girls to watching music videos on his phone. Frozen and Moana are their favorites! Kaylee found a toy that brought a smile to sweet L's face!
Kaylee taking a break from pulling the wagon!
Bella had the best time playing with V. I watched as she copied what she has seen us do, and carefully opened V's tight little fingers and lovingly put the rattle in her hand and helped her to shake it. They both were all smiles!
And seeing as how Molly was busy with the girls and also served as our photographer, I didn't get any pictures of her. So this last picture is from a different day and a different children's home, but I had to include a picture of Molly loving on the babies!