Sunday, November 3, 2019

Meet Baby G!

Continuing you introduce you all to the precious kids we serve!

If you are a parent, think back to when your son or daughter was an infant.  When I do this, thoughts of cuddling, rocking, singing, and snuggling fill my mind with special memories. I spent hours watching my babies sleep and gazing into their wonder filled eyes as they learned about the world. Every child deserves this love. Unfortunately, the world is not a perfect place. Some babies don’t have the privilege of being held and rocked for hours.  One of the best parts of what we do is getting to step in and share this unconditional love with precious babies. Each week we spend hours holding babies, loving them with the love of Christ, singing to them, and engaging them. We cheer them on to learn new things and most importantly, we tell them over and over again how special they are. We tell them how much God loves them and that He has a great purpose for their life. This week I would like to introduce you to Baby G. Molly and I have the absolute honor of working with him every week.  We have learned what he likes, what makes him smile and giggle, and what he doesn’t like. We delight when we see him learn something new, like raise his head to look around. We know just what songs to sing him when he is sad and just what sensory toys will bring a smile to his face. He likes feeling sand on his cute little bare feet, he likes the sound of water splashing in a water mat, and he loves to be cuddled and hugged and loved on! As I rock him in my arms, I whisper to him, “God loves you so much and so do I. You are a precious child of the Heavenly Father and He has great plans for your life!”
 Join us in sharing the love of Christ with sweet little ones like Baby G. To give on line click here:

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